Relájate al sol en sus playas y recónditas calas resguardadas por rocas y acantilados, recorre sus inigualables parajes naturales, descubre su apasionante historia a través de la arquitectura de su casco antiguo, sus arroces y pescados, vive sus fiestas y siéntete como en casa, porque estás en ella.
Vinaròs es toda tuya.
Al ritmo del Mediterráneo
Coming soon
Upcoming Events
Where to sleep there?
You can stay at a hostel or hotel. In addition, there are berths in the trailer. We also have camping sites for guests. The Full 2022 Pack ticket price already includes tent rental and camping places.
How to get to the festival?
You can come in your car or even in a trailer. We provide parking spaces. You can also purchase an additional bus ticket that will take you to the festival. Trips in our transport are comfortable.
How can I pay for a ticket?
There are tickets on our website. You can buy a ticket or book a seat online. You can pay using an e-wallet, as well as Visa or Master Card. We will send you a ticket electronically or in hard copy.
What is the program?
We have a very interesting entertainment program. We have a lot of fun in store for you! A concert awaits you, as well as a fair and many surprises. You will be satisfied and remember this festival.
Contacta con Turismo
Vinaròs es ideal para disfrutar de un turismo familiar, inclusivo, deportivo, gastronómico…
Una ciudad a tu medida.
Concejalía de Turismo
Paseo Cólon, s/n 12500 Vinaròs